Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Hungry Ghost

The hungry ghost a term I've run into recently and boy does it sure fit me like a glove. I have a mouth the size of a needle and a stomach the size of a mountain. A metaphor for how I futilely attempt to fulfill the the bottomless void of need within.

In my case I believe I'm not worth enough or good enough so that others would value, appreciate, love, and care for me. I believe it so strongly that each day I do my best to try to avoid those thoughts (which are accompanied by massive amounts of shame and pain) and to engage in activities that help sooth the pain.

The volume of shame and pain is so great I have always and still continue to detach from life as it seems way to scary to stay present. I spend significant amounts of time seeking attention from women and using that attention to validate I'm "ok" when I get it and when i don't as evidence I'm defective. I use women for relationships and sexual massage in place of real love and care. I masturbate to pornography that depicts men with extremely large penises out of shame I'm not built that way. I find transexual prostitues (or men) with the largest penises I can find to perform oral sex on (mostly) or recieve anal sex (less so) out of shame that I am not built that way and therefore inadequate sexually.

The volume right now is so loud. I've acted out my inner circle behavoirs with frightening regularity over the past month. I just want to wake up one day and simply be and be ok with things exactly as they are.

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