Thursday, February 25, 2010

Relief, validation, and hope through Tiger Woods

Ok, I've really seen it all. An article that talks about sexual addiction in a fairly straightforward and serious manner on the CNN homepage.

I was amazed listen to Tiger give his press conference and was very hopeful and apprehensive to see how the public in general would react. I have no idea if he's a true addict or not, I'm not him and have no way of knowing. Regardless it was amazing how powerful my emotional response was to his speech and the media frenzy around it. Is there some hope that the public finally starts to recognize the deep and dark sexual dysfunction that exists as a result of trauma or other reasons? Whatever the end result I felt and still feel validated by it all.

Mixed week, lost sobriety last night while on business trip. Didn't want to engage even as I did in the inner circle behavoir. The whole thing felt disguisting from start to finish. Maybe that's progress. I think it is.


  1. Hi Camel- I'm glad you're posting here and can be honest about your inner circle behavior. I've had to come back and start over many, many times, and it does get better. I came back to my SAA group today after two months gone and I was really glad to be "home" again. Best wishes.

  2. I agree with Eli, Camel. I've had to come back many times and start again. It doesn't feel good most of the time, but it feels better than staying in the midst of misery. I hope you'll come back and post again soon and let us know how you are doing.
